Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

A Night at the Park


Christy had a girls night at our house tonight - so the kids and I loaded up the stroller and headed out to the grade school playground down the street. It was good to have the kids all to myself.
A group of soccer players had gathered on the soccer field and Caleb wanted so badly to play soccer with them! Sadly the best we could do was sit and watch. So we all sat on the grass and watched as the soccer players did their thing. Caleb is used to watching sports with me. He knows I love the NFL's Carolina Panthers. He's picked up on my arm chair quarterback ways - so whenever he sees a game of any kind being played he screams "GO PANTHERS!!" - I wonder what these hispanic soccer players who may or may not speak English, and who may not even know who the Carolina Panthers are, thought of this strange little boy waiving his arms and chearing for the Panthers. I couldn't contain him from running out onto the field. So I followed. It was dark out, and the field was lit up like a major league ball park. It felt like I was running onto the field to play in a game on the same team as my son. How freakin' cool would that be? It reminded me of a dream my Dad shared with me a few years ago. He was in a locker room with my older brother Joe. They were getting ready for a football game. A high school runningback himself, Dad was forced to quit playing due to a knee injury - I remember Dad's eyes lighting up - like a kid on Christmas - as he expressed how it felt to be in full football gear, walking onto the field - to run and play again - with his son. If you aren't following me its just a father-son thing. Caleb seemed to love being under those lights. He somehow seemed a little bigger. I have to admit - I liked it little myself.

Caleb loves the park. He loves to challenge himself with climbing different toys - and I love seeing the determination in his eyes as he makes the climb. He also loves the praise when he's accomplished something new. I can't wait to see him use this determination throughout his life to accomplish his goals and dreams.

The park is still just another cold place outside the womb for Natalie at this point. But even though she felt a little cold - she looked smokin' hot in her little outfit her Dad picked out for her. Natalie did like the slides this time though. She smiled and laughed as I swushed her down. While Caleb played on the slides we had a mini daddy-daughter date on the swings. I felt like the most important, strongest man alive as she clung to me and tucked her head under my chin. Being the youngest sibling in my family I always wondered what it would have been like to have a little sister to look after, to care for, to protect - I'm so glad I now have a daughter. Natalie is not unlike all the other important women in my life - difficult to understand, fickle at times, a bit moody - but so genuinely beautiful, so inconcievably sweet and trusting, and she has a spirit about her that humbles me, breaks me down, and requires me to be more than I can ever hope to be. I love you so much, sweet Natalie Rose! Thank for coming into my life!
