Senin, 28 Januari 2008

Prophets, Seers and Revelators


I believe the President Gordon B. Hinckley was a true prophet of God. I believe that his mission here in life was spent valiantly and that he has returned home with honor. I KNOW that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church here on earth. I also know that most people do not know anything about the LDS religion and what they do know is usually jaded.

I believe my mission in life is to receive all the Ordinances I can here on earth, to help others, dead or alive, to recieve theirs and to bring others closer to God. But even in that, I can only control so much.

  • I can control me, myself and I.
  • I am responsible for receiving my own Ordinances and I can perform Ordinances for those who can no longer do it for themselves.
  • I can bear children and teach them right from wrong and I can GUIDE them to choose the right. I am not a slave driver I am a protector/teacher. I protect and teach until they can choose for themselves and then I will be just a friend, a listening ear, an advisor, and hopefully a good example.

I guess where my ranting is leading me is that while Gordon B. Hinckley is important to me and my family, as a leader of the Church, to people of other faiths he was just a nice old man. If I wasn't LDS I wouldn't have known who he was from Adam. But what I would have known was that he was a great man. A great EXAMPLE of the goodness and charity that is still left in this world. NO one can argue that. He helped to bring many souls closer to God. His mission in life was a success.

Now the question stands:

when I pass on are people going to be able to say the same about me?
