Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

59 Days


Josh and I were challenged by our Bishop, along with the rest of our ward, to read the Book of Mormon in 59 days. We both were lazy and did not participate when the Prophet asked us to in 2005 so we have dedicated ourselves to reading it this time.

The day after we started reading I got a call from a friend I hadn't heard from in a while and by the end of the day I had gotten two babysitting kids and a referal for a girl in my building who is having a baby in November and wants to bring her here in January! Which is great because one of my little boys is leaving in November or December when his mom has a baby and they move to Vegas. It's just amazing the things that happen when you are doing what is right.

I went to the Temple this morning and remembered why I love it sooo much. I was so frustrated and angry going into the Temple today and everything changed almost the minute I got through the doors. I don't go to the Temple often enough which is sad because I live all of 7 minutes away.

I am so glad that I was born a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm not sure how I would have reacted if missionaries came to my home when I was an adult and tried to teach me. I'm not sure I would have let them in I probably would have thought they were crazy. I love the church and I love how it is run by normal people and how we all pitch in to make it work with callings and giving talks and saying prayer for meetings and bearing our testimonies voluntarily. I feel that it's the greatest thing in the whole world and I'm saddened that I take it for granted too often. :(
