Senin, 15 September 2008

Licensed to KILL!


A lot has happened in the Larsen household lately. Caleb and Nat are growing bigger and smarter everyday. We went to Chili's the other day (Thanks John and Linda!) and the waiters were singing 'Happy Birthday' to a customer and Caleb sang the whole song! The following conversation is a re-enactment of a real conversation between Josh and I.

Christy : "Did you know he could sing that?"

Josh with eyes wide in amazement at how his super cool musical genes passed on replied "NO! Did you?"

Christy, amazed at how smart and awesome my little boy was exclaimed "NO!"

Josh and I have become certified mouse killers. Thursday my mother discovered one while using the bathroom in our downstairs. She swore that it went up into the cupboard under the sink. Josh boarded up 3 holes that could have been access points. Friday I was playing on my computer and I saw something out of the corner of my eye run into my pantry. It was way too fast to be a bug. I opened the pantry and saw nothing so I went back to playing UNTIL I saw it run out of the pantry back towards the bathroom. I freaked out and called everyone I know until someone could come over to help me. My cousin Amie came and helped me clean everything in my two pantries so that if it ran in there again we'd be able to see it. Then we saw nothing. I kept teasing Caleb and told him that if he went into the kitchen that the 'yucky mouse' would get him and he got really excited and said "MICKEY MOUSE?!" I laughed so hard.

After I put the kids to bed I came back to the computer and was watching a movie when I saw it run back into the pantry! I was freaking out and didn't know what to do until I thought about blocking it in and just letting Josh deal with it when he got home in an hour. I watched the hole under the door while I hurried and got towels to use as a block-aid. I text my sister and told her the whole story and she said she'd come over and help me trap it on a glue board. We had an ingenius plan and we set a really nice perimeter with boxes and a cookie sheet. We opened the towel a little so that if the mouse escaped it would have to run right into the glue board....but it never came. Nikki decided to open the door and encourage the little mouse and IT WAS GONE! I knew it was there but we moved everything and we couldn't find it. Josh told me to lay off the Mary Jane and go to bed. I went back to watching my movie and Josh was upstairs playing nintendo when I saw it come out of the PANTRY and back behind the washer and dryer. Now my sister stuck her whole head in the pantry and it was not there so I have no idea how it did it's little magic act. I ran upstairs to tell Josh and he couldn't have cared less. I told him the mouse would nibble on us in our sleep and proceeded to nibble on his arm and face to illustrate my point but he still wouldn't come down to help. About an hour later he wandered downstairs probably for a bowl of cereal and I got him to go HUNTING with me. We spent the next hour setting a big block to keep the mouse from running into the kitchen or the bathroom or pantry. That is what the picture is of.

The broom and PVC pipe was how we planned to smack it if it came out of it's hiding place. After an hour of moving the washer and dryer (up,down, sideways, forward, backward...), Doing a load of clothes, and spraying cleaner under them we saw no sign of the little stinker. We went to bed. When we woke up to go to church Josh found 'MICKEY' on the glue board. And that was the end of Mickey the Mouse.

This last weekend I took the kids to Delta to hang with their cousins. They had soooo much fun.

I found Nanny cuddling with her Baby during nap time.
Caleb kept pushing this car over and telling me to " 'Mere Mommy" I would come and he'd say "Look". So I'd pick the car up and 5 minutes later it would be down again. I finally asked him what he was doing and he told me the car was dead and then he got his wrench and hammer and proceeded to FIX it.

HEHEHEHE. Caleb just grabbed Josh's scriptures and took off towards the door and told me he's going to work! I Love my babies.
