Sabtu, 01 November 2008

Halloween Fun


Wednesday night we had Nikki her friend Randall, and Brad and his friend Sarah over to carve pumpkins. We had lots and lots of fun. Caleb loves his Auntie and Uncle soooo much. After we carved pumpkins we played this really fun game. You play with huge candy bars and it's kind of like Go Fish but for Adults. We've played this game with like 3 different sets of friends in like a week we love it.
For Halloween we first went to a Trunk-or-Treat. Josh was Superman, I was Lois Lane, Caleb was Super Boy and Natalie was a New York Giants Cheerleader.....Now, I don't want to hear anything about the New York Giants or Brett Favre or anything (Josh freaked out and wasn't sure his daughter could be seen outside with this outfit), I found Caleb and Natalie's costume at a garage sale for $3 together! Caleb was mesmerized by everyone in the costumes and would hardly look at the camera. He thought Eric's Power Rangers costume was awesome. FYI: Eric and Libby are in the very right picture and they are Caleb's cousins.
After the Trunk-Or treat we headed over to a free party at a school by our house. It was sponsored by one of our local christian churches. The lines were long so we didn't stay too long but we had fun for the few minutes we were there. They had Batman there (Sadly, it wasn't Christian Bale though Dang) and so we HAD to get a picture with him. Caleb was freaked out and wouldn't do it alone so Josh HAD to get in the picture! The things we do as parents. In case anyone doesn't know Josh feels that he is the real Batman so he loved this.

When that was over we headed over to Brett and Jennie's for some great snacks and fun with our bestest friends. I can't believe how big everyones kids have gotten. Natalie wouldn't leave Tristan alone she kept climbing all over him and smiling like a fool. She definitely has a crush. All of our kids played together so nice. We had no fights to split up or crying to deal with they all just coexisted perfectly. A Mother's Dream.

Here we are and no we did not plan to wear black either! The boys made fun of us because we wanted to get a picture together.

Being a parent and having a family is different and so much funner than I ever imagined. I just hope as the kids age they will get along with our friends kids so we can still have the most fun get togethers ever.
