Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

A Spoon Full of Sugar


After a rough few nights with Caleb not sleeping because of his ear infection Natalie decided that it was more fun to copy big brother and stay up all night crying too. So after a few sleepless nights I took her into the Doctor yesterday and they said that she was perfectly fine. Last night, though, she was up coughing, crying, and throwing up all night long. I knew that something was wrong. Josh and I were in Delta so we took her to a Doctor there, Turns out she had an ear infection! Poor little girl.
You know, they say that ear infections aren't contagious but my neice, who lives across the street and who my kids played with just a couple weeks ago, had an ear infection. One week later Caleb was diagnosed with an ear infection. Yesterday my other neice who lives with us was diagnosed with an ear infection and now Natalie has one!
Do you think ear infections aren't contagious!?!
