Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

Crazy Daze


So it's been a pretty crazy around here lately. On Tuesday I discovered that Caleb wasn't feeling too well. I noticed that he had a slight fever and that he was chewing on his fingers and instead of his one two hour nap he took two three hour naps. I brushed this off as just him teething.

Meanwhile, Natalie is having a hard time adjusting to life outside the tummy. She really is a good baby though. She sleeps so well during the day in between her feedings but at night she will only sleep if I bring her to bed with me and cuddle with her (that is so not something I want any of my kids to get used too). I've discovered though that if the light is on or if the tv is on then she will sleep a longer time alone in her bed. Which leads me to think that she just doesn't like the quiet or feeling like she's alone and who blames her!

Now it's thursday and Caleb woke up screaming bloody murder about three times last night. I had been giving him Ibuprofen and Tylenol to help with the fever and it wasn't working the fever was just getting higher and higher until it hit 102.7 this morning. So I gave him some more medicine and rushed him into the Dr. By the time I got to the Dr's office they told me his fever had reached 103.8! I felt so bad for the little guy. He was so clingy and unhappy, and for anyone who knows my little Caleb that is unusual cuz he is the most happy go lucky laid back kid in the world. It turned out that he had a major ear infection luckily only in one ear though. I went and got his antibiotics and gave him his first dose at 1:00 p.m. and by 7:30 p.m. my little guy had returned. It was so weird just like night and day he went from sad, whiny and rude to happy, fun and silly.
