Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

Hope you like Novels


I love DELTA for the 4th. It's my favorite. I can't even tell you why it is, it just is. Caleb was big enough to have fun at the parade. He had two favorite parts the military planes, which I didn't get a picture of, and the Delta High School band. Ahhhh my kid is a band geek already (no offense to the band geeks reading this......I myself was in the orchestra for 6 years). WARNING:Craning your neck to watch this video may be required because I have no clue how to turn it the other way. First he was just dancing and then he started clapping like the symbols then he saw the drummers. He is such a riot.

The Derby is my absolute favorite part of the 4th of July activities. I wish I had pictures but I forgot my camera. I've decided that I'm just a closet redneck and that is why I love it so much. There is a girls only section of the derby and I want to do it one day. I may wet myself in the process but it would be so much fun. We had so much fun we just love our family and friends more than words can describe. Thank you to all of you who made it that way! You know who you are.
We took the kids to California for my Grandpa's 80th birthday (we left on Friday and drove back Monday). It was awesome to see all my cousins who I was so close to growing up. It was so much fun, though Josh probably didn't think so. It took 10 hours to get there and 10 back and while we were there we slept on a blow-up mattress in the living room with my Mom, Step-Dad, Sister, Niece, Aunt and Uncle! Whew we were crowded like sardines. hehehe. Caleb, who I call K-Boo (thanks Steph) started growing a second 2 year old molar...ya following me.....poor kid he woke up screaming two nights in a row.
The party was a Luau theme. My awesome Mommy made this cake. There is palm trees, hula dancers, fish, sea shells, water, and grandpa chillin in a hammock. I love my Mom's cakes!

This is my cute Grandpa. Since I could remember and for a million different reasons everyone has always said "Grandpa's not going to make it to an old age"
This is my Granny. She is more like a Mom to me than a Granny. I can't even explain to you guys what she means to me and just thinking about it makes me all teary eyed. I love you Granny you are an awesome individual I can only hope to be like you!
Us at the Luau.

I was trying to get Caleb to take a nap and he wouldn't he just wanted to play. I ended up falling asleep and later felt Caleb lay on me to watch TV. Hehehehe

My cousin's son, Chase, was playing with Natalie while Josh, Caleb and I went to run an errand. Lots of my family arrived while we were gone and when we got back everyone was telling me how cute my son was especially with his baby sister. This sounded so much like Caleb but I knew that since Caleb had been with me I knew that they hadn't even met my big boy yet. Lol it turned out that Chase was telling everyone that he "Loved his baby sister" when he refered to Natalie. and he was just fawning all over her the whole time. hehehe.

K-boo fell asleep while eating his Cheerios on the ride home.

Let me tell you about the ride home.... My sister used to live with my Granny so we carried her stuff back with us and my sister from Virgina came to visit with her baby so we had a full car. No one could put their feet on the floor. We used every available space and the top of the car to haul Nick's stuff.

Caleb has had some accidents in the pool that have made him a little skittish to swimming, but we keep taking him anyway. Once a week or so we go to our friends house and go swimming. One of the last times we put Caleb's bathing suit and arm floaties on Caleb and let him go. He loves it now he swims around telling everyone "I'm fast, I'm fast" In the video he's swimming and his cousin yells "Cannon Ball" and that freaks Caleb out and he struggles to get out until my sister helps him. Then he decides to go to the other end where Eric isn't at and realizes the ground is really HOT so he starts dancing. When he gets to the other side and starts to get in you can see Eric followed us and did another cannon ball, it didn't phase Caleb this time though. See how he just gets right in. I took him swimming yesterday and he kept jumping in from the edge. He doesn't mind going under for a few seconds cuz he knows he will float up in a second. He tried to do that this weekend without any floaties or swim suit! LOL gonna have to watch him close.

And in Nat news..... She's scooting. This is both good and bad. Poor girl she often takes a back seat when it comes to the blog because she doesn't really do much...hehehe. But we do love her so much. We love you Natalie Rose Larsen.

Some sad news...... There was some problems getting Josh's background check (BCI) and so Ana was taken from our home for a short while. The BCI still hasn't come back so Ana decided that she wanted to stay where she was. Josh and I are super saddened by this and we have decided not to take any more youth into our home. We are upset at the Company and we don't know if our hearts can deal with the attachments we form with these children. Maybe when our kids are older it'll be different.

Sorry that was so long I promise I will do better to not overwhelm my audience.
