Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

E.E.L Family Reunion


We finally are back at home from our many travels over the past month. Our last trip took us to far away Cedar City, UT! hehehe Hey, it may not be far but it's still away from home. We had so much fun at this reunion.
Josh's family is so much fun. We stayed in a little 'cottage' at a KOA in Cedar. All the family was on the campgrounds somewhere whether it was a cottage, tent, or a trailor. I met and got to know so many new family members that I haven't had the chance to before since i'm still relatively new to the family.
I wish I had pictures but one of the days we were at this pavillion in the middle of nowhere and we were eating lunch. Some of the family had brought water bottles and we had an all out water war! Even my Uncle Dwayne who's in his late 70's or early 80's? sorry i'm not sure how old he is but that's what Josh says. He was all up in the mix squirting everyone making people look like they wet their pants. LOL just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Here is a picture of Caleb while we were caught in a rainstorm while visiting at the pavillion. He and Daddy were running in the water having lots of fun while the rest of us huddled in the pavillion for honestly like 20 minutes until the rain let up enough for us to run to one of the trailors. We hung out there for about 2 hours until it was time to go to another trailor for dinner and socializing for one of the last times. That day was a very very wet day.
Josh's cousin Mike said that Natalie looked like a boy the first day we got there. She was just wearing a white onesie and that was it. So the next day I dressed her in daisy dukes a cute green and white shirt and a pink bandana. Josh hated the bandana he said that she looked like a cancer patient. But I said 'At least you can tell she's a girl'. Do you love how she's snacking on her name tag so forever I will know who this is a picture of! hehehe.
Same with Caleb. Some events that occurred;
Linda got a major toothache that turned out to be an abcessed tooth. Natalie got a bug and emptied her stomach every meal for about 2 days. We had a No Talent Talent show.
We ditched the reunion with a few cousins and went to see The Dark Knight.
Caleb learned how to 'work' his Papa John (pictured here at the bottom and the very top).
The rain suprising us while at the pavillion so we had to huddle in a very close circle and sang until the rain stopped....I had so much fun at this reunion even though we didn't really DO anything special. We missed Jay & Steph and Joe and Jeff & Keith and Jim & Janet, everyone says hi and they love and miss you, hopefully we'll see you all soon!
*One of the cousins, Justin, is dabbling in photography so all but one of these pictures are from his camera. I don't know why I was drawn to these pictures of John but I just though they embodied how I saw him. I just fell in love with them when I saw them. I hope you like them too..... Thank you Justin!
