Minggu, 29 Juni 2008



I was watching the news and there was this interview for a lady named Heather Armstrong. She is one of Forbes top 25 Internet celebs for the year. Her website is http://www.dooce.com/ Any who, I decided to check it out because she looked like a funny/interesting lady.... She posts about her everyday life in SLC, about being a stay-at-home-mom and she often refers to (makes fun of) her 'Past' life as a Mormon. She gets about 300-500 comments every post. I honestly can't understand what the hype is all about. I didn't find her posts all that interesting to me.

I decided to do some surfing and I read some other aspiring-internet-celeb blogs and it got me thinking. What kind of topics would be interesting to me and/or my family and friends? spirituality? Life in the Day of a Real Life Mormon? LOL. Motherhood? Traveling? Marriage? Self-Help-Things? How-To's? Politics? I don't know I guess the list could go on and on.

I'd really be interested in hearing what all of you have to say about this. Please comment and let me know.
