Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

The Biggest Loser is.....ME!


My computer has a virus on it so I have turned it off until I can get it fixed so I haven't been able to post anything in a while. So here is the skinny on our family for the last few weeks.

To support my cousin and obviously to help myself I joined Weight Watchers. I have an extra 33 pounds I have been carrying around from my two little miracles. I have been doing it for two weeks now and I have lost 7 pounds! Nice! I don't look any different and my measurments on my cute 'little' tummy are still the same so I'm not sure where i lost at but hey the scale never lies right?!

I had a little party for Joshua for his birthday and we had two of our very close friends come and eat and visit with us. We also busted out the Wiggle Bikes and Josh, Tristan, and Vaughn all got on them and rode around honestly for about 35 minutes! It was the funniest thing to see these three grown men ride around chasing Caleb, Kori at one point got on too!

I wanted to get Josh the best birthday present ever so I enlisted one of Josh's friend to write piano music to a couple of his songs. I just wanted to kick him in the butt and show him just what his music could be. Josh loved them! Josh's parents and I also gave him some money to go to the recording studio. Hopefully he'll continue to develop his gift.

It's been a busy busy weeks here at the Larsen home. We had a funeral on Monday and while we were at the funeral Monday I was informed that a family friend, who was 28, committed suicide off the La Verkin bridge. Many of you may have read about it in the paper. I've been doing as much as I can for the family and so today I am putting together a memory video to be played at the viewing tonight. It's a very sad time for my family. Ana only met this guy twice and she is harboring a lot of anger about this situation. My Dad was living with him at the time trying to help him through his 'issues' and was the last person to talk to him just minutes before he drove away. There is a lot of regrets and 'What if's' floating around our houses and it's hard to understand why things like this happen. Please just be conscience of people around you and how you treat them, try to be aware of others and how you can help even if it's just a hello.
