Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Family Pictures


So I was feeling a little inadequate as a Mommy cuz I totally spaced getting a profesional picture of Caleb for his 1st birthday so I remembered this time. We went to Kiddie Kandid and goodness those photography places really suck you in. We went in their to get a picture of Caleb and Natalie and $120.44 later came out with ones for the whole family.

Even though Ana was not born into this family, and although she may not be a permanent part, we decided that our family at the moment was as much hers as it is ours. Whether she likes it or not she has forever become a part of our lives and we will never forget her. When Josh asked her if she would like to be in the photo with us she was very happy. She told him that all of her old Home Parents had gotten family photos before but none of them included her in them. We love her soooo much and we can't imagine life without having her in our family.
