Senin, 28 April 2008



It's so much fun to see how Caleb is progressing in his development. He likes to hold them and to change their diapers and to kiss them. Just like he does with his sister. A few nights ago he threw the biggest tantrum i've ever seen because he wanted to sleep with his Sissy and I told him she couldn't. It went on for like 15 minutes until finally i just laid down with him.

I've been obsessed with this show called 'Nanny 911'. It's on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Anywho I wish that they could come to my house and tell me what i'm doing wrong. Josh and I have worked really hard to keep Caleb on a schedule while still being somewhat flexible. For the most part our 'routine' has been really good and has worked but lately Caleb has become obsessed with me. He has to have Mommy to do anything. He needs me to play with him all day long, if I am cooking he's got to be right with me on the counter. If I go upstairs he follows me, if Josh puts him to bed he screams for Mommy until I come up and sit with him until he falls asleep. If I leave just to go get the mail down the road he freaks out and screams until I come back. If we are walking to and from the car and I am carrying Natalie he wants to be carried and will throw a fit and not walk anymore until I pick him up. All hell breaks loose if i'm around it's getting exhausting.

I know that some of it is that he loves me and he just wants attention but some of it seems it's a bit much. Am I over-reacting?
