Sabtu, 01 Maret 2008

Caleb the Younger Years LOL


Josh and I are very big on routines and schedules. One of Caleb's routines is his bedtime routine. He goes to bed at 8:00 pm everynight (with the occaisional exception). In his room he has a chair that we sit in and read him a book, then we sing him a song and ask if he's ready to go to bed which he says 'YES' and runs to his bed. Josh and I each have a few different songs that are unique to our own families so I sing 'my families' songs and Josh sings his. This has been the routine since caleb was an infant so he's heard these songs millions of times with no real interest in them. Recently, he's been singing the songs with us! It's so darn cute it makes us cry sometimes. He's growing up so fast and everyday he is doing something new/different. Friday I was driving to work and he saw an air balloon up in the sky and said "Mommy! Uh oh Uh oh" He thought the balloon was flying away. He has also started this new thing where we ask a question such as "Who's a stinker?" and he raises his hand and screams "Meeeee!" This goes on for several more silly questions. Today I asked him "Who loves Mommy?" and he screamed "Daddy!" I laughed so hard I hadn't expected that. Another time I asked him "Who's stinky" and he screamed "Mommy!".

Here's some blasts from the pasts of my Baby Boy. I just love all my pictures of him so there's like 34 pictures you totally don't have to look at them all.
