Minggu, 27 Januari 2008



Well we're still breathing. Natalie is doing much better. The respiratory therapists don't think she'll need consistant suction treatment so it seems the RSV has passed. But now she gets to have her first (and only - we hope) bout with thrush!! She's determined to keep our attention strictly on her - it figures my daughter would be as spoiled and prissy as they come. She really is doing so much better. She gives us smiles and cute little girl toots all day long. Everyone loves to hold her and love on her. Thank you again for all your thoughtfullness and prayers for Natalie.
Caleb is...almost two. He's learning, experiencing, and experimenting with new things every day. He's teaching us new things too. Like the other day he taught us that Caro syrup is really hard to get out of carpet; and that mommy's special, expensive shampoo makes for a real fun bubble bath! He's so fun and adventurous. He's learning words like crazy and putting small sentences together. He loves Natalie so much - even though he doesn't quite know how to say her name yet. He's constantly calling her "Lena" - a habit he's formed due to his cousin Elaina who lives with us. We keep trying to teach him "Na-ta-lie" and everytime his reply is "Le-na" like HE'S teaching US. He knows all the songs in Peter Pan, and Jungle Book and loves to sing and dance along. He's so imaginative - Chris and I feel so blessed to have such a happy little man as our son!
Christy and I have just recieved callings in our ward. I've been called to teach the Gospel Essentials class, and as Assistant Choir Director, and Christy is the new Secretary in the Young Women's Presidency! She's really been put to work in her first calling. I'm so proud of her. Not only is she diving into this new calling but she takes Natalie to work with her every day, makes all our meals, takes care of our kids' every little whimper, she doesn't sleep much most nights due to feeding Natalie and Caleb learning to be a two year old, she puts up with her husbands whiny, beligerant ways and somehow still manages to show him she loves him - she's amazing!!
We've been so blessed with such good friends, and family - we love you!
