Sabtu, 29 Desember 2007

The Family


Our Family (Don't judge I just had a baby hours before this picture!)
December 20, 2007
I was so done being pregnant so the Dr, Josh and I scheduled an induction for Dec 20th. We were put third on a list out of four. At 10:30 A.M we were waiting nervously for the phone call to come in telling us it was our turn to come to the hospital. The phone rang three separate times, making our hearts and stomachs jump with butterflies, before it was the hospital. (thanks a lot Jeffery and Linda) When we got to the hospital and answered the endless stream of seemingly pointless questions they finally started me on the pitocin and we settled in for the long ride. Josh had stayed up most of the night before so he was so tired and he tried to sleep on the couch while I read a book. After 2 hours the contractions got so bad that I was clinging to the bed in pain and since I had only progressed 1 cm since I'd been there I asked for the epidural but the anesthesiologist was in a C-Section so I couldn't get it at the moment. I opted for the IV meds instead (which did nothing but make me very sleepy). Afterabout 20-30 minutes of these unbearable contractions something changed and I knew the baby was coming. The nurses came in and checked me, then started planning who was going to catch this baby! Luckily the Dr arrived about ten minutes later and four contractions later we had baby Natalie.
